Monday, June 10, 2013

Going GaGa for BB!

I have to start out by saying I HATE TINTED MOISTURISERS! I have tried them, even the Mark one which I expected to like but nope. To me they feel heavy and greasy and I can never find a match for my skin color. So I had given up in wearing any type of product in the hot summer months to help even out my skin. I didn't even want to waste my money on BB creams because they seemed to me they were the same thing as tinted moisturisers.
Then one day my Avon order came in and I opened up the What's New issue and came upon this!!!
Now I said to myself, "Ah another BB cream, I'm not trying that." But then I saw the demo price and said, "Ah what the heck, I'll try it." I ordered it and waited for it anxiously! Here's my beautiful face before I applied it,

And here's my face after:

Tada! I LOVE IT! I did set it with powder and I'm wearing blush and some bronzing powder. But I loved it.

Let me break it down.

*The consistency is a little runny, so you have to be careful when squishing out the product. You don't want it spilling all over yourself.

*There are only five shades. I choose medium deep but it still felt a little light, I might have to go to Deep for the summer. I know I don't look that dark but believe me I have tricky skin, I'm much darker than I look. If I wore lighter ones my face looks like I'm wearing a mask compared to my neck. So it might take a couple tries to find the right one. BUT remember Avon is satisfaction guaranteed, you can always exchange them or return for a full refund.

*It went on really nice. I did have to set it with a powder but I only needed a little bit to do my whole face and the result was flawless. I loved the finish look.

*The rest of my make up went on smooth and it had lasting power even in the heat outdoors.

*It has a nice dewy finish.

Overall I'm loving it and using it almost everyday. It will run you $10 but I think it's a reasonable price for a great product. I don't really use a lot of make up from Avon even though I sell it because I didn't really like it when I use to buy it awhile back. But I think they might have improved on them because as I'm trying them out now I'm loving a lot of their products now. I will continue to try them out and let you guys know if I think they've improved. But this one for sure is a home run!!

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